
Aug 17, 20214 min

Tips For Job Hunting In A Post-Pandemic World

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

During the pandemic, there was very little activity in the job market as many businesses had to pivot their models accordingly in order to contend with the changing times. Now that the economy and job market are beginning to pick up again, many people are contemplating changing jobs. Now that there is more of a demand for it, the question now is, how does one go about finding a new position in a post-pandemic world? Given interview styles and general work etiquette has changed dramatically with a shift to virtual environments, many people will need to adjust to this new way of hiring. Read more to learn about what has changed, and how to best go about finding a job in a post-pandemic world.

Identify Your Needs & Wants

After a long and tiring year, before you conduct research, reflect on the experiences of your current position. Are you changing jobs because you seek a new opportunity or is there something about your work environment that you do not enjoy? Whatever the reason may be, it is best to acknowledge why so you can truly understand what the motive is for finding a new position. Recognizing this could help you realize what sort of work environment you desire, what types of tasks you excel in, etc. Taking the time to think things through will also give you the opportunity to figure out what kind of future position will suit you best.

Also consider what you want in a work environment moving forward. Are you someone who is ready to head into the office right away or would you prefer the flexibility of a hybrid model? Since employers are approaching the return to work plan very differently, it may be helpful to do some research into roles that suit your needs. If the pandemic has altered the job market in one way, it has definitely changed the way people work. While some companies have committed to fully-remote positions, others have pushed for 100% in-person work, so it is best to know who is doing what.

Identify Your Goals

Consider what your goals are. Do you have a short-term and/or long-term plan? Think about what you value as an employee and what you hope to see in your work environment. With this in mind, it is important to conduct research into companies that consider the same values as you -- as it will likely lead to a better fit and provide you with a strong sense of purpose. Needs and wants have changed in the pandemic, along with peoples’ goals. Many people have used the pandemic as an opportunity to pursue something new, whether it is a new business, position, hobby, etc., so now is the time to act and determine what you want for the present and future.

Consult With Others

Whether you speak to a mentor or career advisor, it never hurts to get a second opinion. Perhaps they may see something that you do not, or may have a recommendation on how to conduct your job search. Sitting down with an expert will not only help you to gain clarity about your short-term goals but could also help you formulate long-term career goals.

If you decide to speak with a career coach for instance, there are many to choose from, specializing in a range of things. Perhaps you need help beefing up your resume or coming up with a career roadmap. Whatever the concern is, there is most certainly a professional in that field who will be able to help.

Connect & Network With Others

One of the best ways, especially in a primarily online environment to learn about job opportunities is to reach out and network with others. In fact, according to Forbes, more and more people are job hunting through “the hidden job market” which includes other means of finding a job outside of viewing job listings (Dennison, 2021). Networkingcan be a very useful tool when searching for a job. That is why now is the time to maximize your connections and reach out to those in your network because you never know what new opportunity could lie ahead.

Where Do I Go From Here?

Analyzing your current situation and future aspirations should help you to figure out how you want to plan your career path, the tools necessary, and how you will get there. Although job-hunting in these new times may seem daunting at first, keep in mind that there is still lots of opportunity as the world begins to slowly readjust to a new normal.

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  1. Dennison, K. (2021, June 22). The post-pandemic job hunt: how to find what you really want. Retrieved August 10, 2021, from

  2. Liu, J. (2021, february 4). The rules of job-hunting have changed during the pandemic—here are 3 ways to shift your approach. Retrieved August 10, 2021, from