
Jun 17, 20215 min

Hiring & Onboarding in a Post-Pandemic World

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

Both hiring and onboarding have been forced to shift to a digital platform over the past year. There has definitely been a learning curve for many who have gone through the process, along with a whole new set of etiquette to follow. In terms of permanency, will the digital platform stay? LinkedIn statistics show that not only will hiring processes continue to be based primarily online, but employers will also be more focused on hiring for positions internally.

However, for the jobs that will be offered to external applicants, in order to gain traction for these positions, companies will need to put forward more virtual opportunities to get future employees involved. Especially with the upcoming turnover tsunami, companies will need to put more effort into how they advertise job postings. Hiring and onboarding is no easy feat in these current times, and despite having its challenges, also has benefits.

Benefits of Remote Hiring & Onboarding

One benefit is that remote hiring gives employers access to a wider range of candidates. If work is offered remotely, then this means that positions are not necessarily restricted to those in geographical areas. As a result, this opens up a whole new pool of additional applicants. Additionally, according to LinkedIn survey statistics, nearly half of the surveyed talent professionals stated that they expect hiring costs to go down. As a result of these cost benefits, this is why 70% of LinkedIn participants stated that virtual hiring, or at least a combination of it, will become more prevalent in the future (Maurer, 2021). With many companies suffering forms of financial loss during the pandemic, this is a reassuring statistic for many possibly looking to continue virtual hiring processes. By conducting interviews and onboarding processes virtually, this helps save time, money, and resources that could better be allocated toward other things.

Many companies have also decided to keep remote onboarding processes. The process tends to be faster when paired with online hiring, and allows people to get to work and start their jobs sooner. In a time when the job market has been stretched fairly thin, people are ready to find and begin work promptly. Another benefit of virtual hiring and onboarding is that it has allowed companies the opportunity to refine and improve these processes. With more resources becoming available for new hires since in-person on-the-job training may not always be possible, virtual onboarding is becoming more comprehensive and seamless than ever before.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, many companies across North America have had to shift their recruitment model. One notable example is a company called Lidl, who made the decision to hire primarily online. The results have been a faster and more comprehensive hiring process that allowed new hires to get started and get training promptly.

Challenges of Remote Hiring & Onboarding

However, these benefits are not without challenges. While virtual hiring may speed up the hiring process altogether, there will always be that missing in-person meeting that can be critical when starting or hiring for a new position.

There is only so much virtual hiring and onboarding can compensate for, as some things are better accomplished in-person opposed to online. This is why companies will need to ensure proper communication between their newly-hired staff and managers. Virtual onboarding especially will be a learning curve for some, which is why managers must be guided on how to properly train new staff in an online setting. Another key challenge is fostering a sense of community among employees. New hires may find it especially difficult to integrate themselves into the company culture, so employers must make an effort to encourage interactions between different departments and teams.

How to Maximize The Process

If virtual hiring is the way to go for your company, there are plenty of ways to maximize the positive impact it has on both candidates and the organization as a whole. As mentioned earlier, advertising is key. With the turnover tsunami upon us, many people are in search of new opportunities. In order to gain attention, companies need to spread the word of new positions, whether it is through social channels or hiring platforms. Additionally, companies should also focus on the image they want to portray to their audience. Creating a genuine and connected work culture has become more important than ever, and people want to see that.

Internally, some changes will also need to be made. Companies need to take this time to really develop and perfect their hiring processes as this is something that could be here for the long-term. This means developing the right resources for a digital format and training management to work with new hires remotely. Remote work has definitely been a challenge, and will still follow us into the post-pandemic world.

Lastly, businesses need to focus on fostering connections both inside and outside of work. Employees are becoming fatigued by their work, and need more opportunities to interact with others. Zoom call after Zoom call, it is easy to understand how things can become monotonous and unengaging quickly. That is why, for new hires especially, it is important for them to establish a connection with peers outside of the workplace as well. Despite the virtual format, there are still lots of ways to engage employees such as through virtual team-building activities, coffee chats, and more.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, virtual hiring and onboarding may not be the easiest process, but it will be something that we will have to get used to for the foreseeable future. More than ever, companies need to focus on how they will attract and retain, in an effort to minimize the effects of the turnover tsunami. While there are limitations to remote recruiting and remote work, there is also a lot of opportunity for talent. Employers have more opportunities to hire globally and find more diverse skill sets that can help innovate and improve aspects of the business. Therefore, it is important to not overlook the idea of virtual recruiting, because in a lot of cases, it can open the door to many more opportunities than ever before.

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  1. Doherty, A. (2020, December 1). Hiring and onboarding in the age of the pandemic: how to do it right. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from

  2. Chamorro-Premuzic, T., & Frankiewicz, B. (2020, October 13). The post-pandemic rules of talent management. Retrieved June 14, 2021, from

  3. Maurer, R. (2020, April 20). Employers get creative with hiring during coronavirus pandemic. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from

  4. Maurer, R. (2021, February 1). 2021 recruiting trends shaped by the pandemic. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from

  5. Timmes, M. (2021, May 17). How the pandemic has forever changed hiring. Retrieved June 17, 2021, from
