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How To Check-In With New Hires

Updated: Mar 2, 2022

Bringing on new hires is both an exciting and challenging time. It is always great to onboard new members to the team, learn their perspectives, and hear about the ideas they may have for improving a segment of the business. However, there are also challenges. For instance, what sorts of questions do you ask new hires and how often?

There is also the challenge of ensuring new employees are well-adjusted and comfortable in their job roles and responsibilities. There are bound to be questions from either party involved, whether it is from the new employee or from management, so the key for managers is to determine how to best frame questions and support their new hires.

So, with that being said, where should managers get started? Keep reading to learn some of our tips and tricks for approaching new employees.

Hiring New Employees

It can be a challenge to find the right candidates for a role, but once that part is settled another challenge comes along: ensuring the success and comfort of your new employees. Unfortunately, new hire turnover is not uncommon, with nearly 20% of new hires resigning before their 45th day of employment at their company.

SHRM’s 30-60-90 Follow-Up Method

There are several ways to go about checking in with hires, so it is key to pick a strategy that you believe will best resonate with employees in your company. According to SHRM, a suggested approach is to initiate conversation checkpoints at 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days post-hiring.

At the 30-day mark, SHRM recommends asking some of the following questions surrounding:

  • The Adjustment Period

  • Highlights of The Role & Work Environment

  • Any Challenges, Misunderstandings, etc.?

  • Feedback for Onboarding Process

At the 60-day mark, SHRM recommends asking some of the following questions surrounding:

  • Work Delegation & Responsibilities

  • Areas of Improvement

  • Where is Support Needed?

  • Co-Worker Support & Interaction Feedback

At the 90-day mark, SHRM recommends asking some of the following questions surrounding:

  • Opinions, Voice, and Ideas Valued?

  • Feedback for Extended Onboarding Program & Improvements

  • Comfort Levels: Asking for support, feedback, questions, etc.

  • Are Expectations Communicated Well?

  • Communication / Delegation Issues?

With this strategy in place, SHRM states that higher retention rates, performance, and engagement should occur (Falcone). For those looking to implement a relatively long-term series of follow-up questions, then this may be the method for you.

Other Ways To Ease New Hires

The whole onboarding process is a team effort in order to ensure a high retention rate and satisfied employees. Whether you will be the new hire’s new coworker or manager, there are several ways to ensure a smooth transition for them. There are several things that you can do in addition to SHRM’s checkpoint system.

Work Walkthrough

One of the key first steps is to take the new hire through the ins-and-outs of their new role. The workplace can be a very intimidating place for any new hire, so laying down the basics can help put them at ease. Keep in mind for the new hire, this is a completely new playing field as well, so they may not know all the processes and procedures right away.

It is important to be patient but also act as a mentor and ensure there are always opportunities to ask or clarify questions that could be key to their success. Whether they have questions on work software programs, benefits programs, sign-in and sign-out procedures, and more, ensure you offer support for your new hire.

Outline Expectations

Another daunting element of the new workplace is knowing the expectations for your new role. The first few weeks or even months are likely to be an adjustment, in terms of figuring out work procedures and performance expectations. Ensure that job roles and responsibilities are communicated clearly to the new hire, and allow for a question period. HBR also suggests equipping new hires with key goals to hone in and focus on while they are still getting the hang of things can be very helpful to the onboarding process as well.

Involve New Hires Socially

Lastly, it is key to involve new employees in any workplace social environment. On top of the fact that HBR research indicates approximately 40% of adults experience loneliness, being a new hire during a pandemic would also likely emphasize that feeling. That is why networking and forming valuable connections is key. Whether it is for the purpose of mentorship or to make a new friend, these connections will help keep people at their jobs for a longer period of time.

General Tips for Check-Ins

Outside of the more specific processes for onboarding and adjusting new employees to the workplace, there are also some general tips that could be helpful as well. Socially, introducing new hires to coworkers, managers, and direct-reports is essential to helping them establish successful working relationships.

As well, it is also important to provide support, mentoring, and coaching opportunities when needed. Beyond the first few weeks, months, or even years, there is nothing wrong with reaching out for support, and new hires should have access to services like these at any point of their career journey. Whether this is through routine one-on-one meetings or workshops, building on relationships and skills are key success factors. Just because you may be a veteran employee at a company, that does not mean help and support may not be needed at times, so it is important to emphasize this to new hires.

Looking for more resources? Retainify has lots of tools that can help you with your onboarding journey. Interested in chatting with our team? Schedule a demo with us here to learn more about our resources, and how we can help address any questions or concerns that you may have. Additionally, we offer an onboarding checklist that can help you cross-reference your own processes and see how to better address the needs of new hires.

Overall, there is not one method that will work for all companies and their employees. That is why it is important to be wary of what works and what does not work for new hires, and continually improve the process as much as you can as a manager or coworker.

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  1. Carucci, R. (2018, December 3). To Retain New Hires, Spend More Time Onboarding Them. Retrieved October 29th, 2021, from

  2. Expert Panel, Forbes Council Member. (2021, June 23). 10 ways to check in with shy employees. Retrieved October 29th, 2021, from

  3. Falcone, P. (2018, April 24). Effective onboarding should last for months. Retrieved October 29th, 2021, from

  4. Watkins, Michael D. (2019, May 10). 7 ways to set up a new hire for success. Retrieved October 29th, 2021, from